Tuesday evening in Ascach myself and Luke ate, which there is no dispute about, excatly the same thing. We were recommened by the hot waitress two Austrian dishes, and being in no position to argue, we got them both, and a pizza and two side salads. and three beers. each. We split all the food 50:50. And whilst i had a good sleep (disturbed only very slighty by some unwordly noises ruminating from the bathroom which I encorporated into my dream (I won the world cup again)), Luke spent the entire night talking to God on the great white telephone, driving the porcelain bus, throwing up, vomming etc etc. Readers are therefore invited to conject whether my stronger constitution, or Lukes lower personal hygiene were the deciding factor.
We didnt go cycling. I went and got provisions (yakult, water, fruit juice and bananas for Luke, 3 different types of cookies for me), and we decided the best bet was to get the ferry round the corner to Linz (25km up river), and see how we were for the next day.
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